PACE highlights potential for connected Fuel Cell micro-CHP units to help manage peaks in electricity demand
Fuel Cell micro-CHP systems have the potential to support electricity grids by providing flexibility. When a number of Fuel Cell micro-CHP units are connected together they can be turned into a virtual power plant (VPP) that provides electricity to the grid during periods when power supplies from other sources (including solar and wind) are insufficient to meet the level of [...]
HEXIS becomes 6th manufacturer to join PACE partnership
The PACE partners are proud to welcome HEXIS as the 6th equipment manufacturer to participate in the project, following the conclusion of an agreement with the Clean Hydrogen Partnership. The Swiss-German company HEXIS is now able to market its Leonardo micro-CHP1 system to homeowners and small businesses with a more attractive and competitive price, thanks to the financial support it [...]
ComSos Survey: join the conversation on SOFC
A survey on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells is the project’ tool choosen to validate the perception on the ComSos objectives. The goal is collecting opinions in order to understand the awarness on this technology. The survey is available in italian and english, browsing the link within the “Comsos” section of the website.
WEBINAR: Energizing your business with fuel cell technology (17 November 2021)
Learn how you can reduce your energy costs and emissions with a SOFC system Webinar “Energizing your business with fuel cell technology“, held online on November 17, 2021, 2.00-3.30 pm, in the framework of the Comsos project. SOFC technology could help your business to produce electricity and heat in a very efficient way. Installing a SOFC system allows you to reduce your [...]
Fuel cells making houses more efficient
Since 2020, Ralph N. from Singen (Germany) is the proud owner of a SenerTec Dachs 0.8 fuel cell unit. He and his family can now generate their own heat and electricity in a very efficient way for their 280 square meters single-family house. Furthermore, the family successfully refurbished their house to become more energy efficient by replacing the single-glazed windows [...]
Belgian family goes fuel cells!
In a drive to reduce their energy costs and emissions, the Belgian family Van den Eynde decided to switch from their old heating system to a fuel cell system. The PACE project had the privilige to interview them: Why did you want to put a fuel cell and not just a new boiler in the house? First I want to [...]