Belgium – Where do I get my fuel cell?
In Belgium, you can get your Fuel Cell micro-Cogeneration unit for your home or business from the manufacturers Bosch, SOLIDpower, SenerTec (to be announced soon) or Viessmann. Click on the links for more information about their units and qualified installers.
We added below a quick checklist what you need for installing a Fuel Cell micro-Cogeneration unit and the PACE brochure with all the benefits of this technology.

What you should know and check before installing a Fuel Cell micro-Cogeneration unit:
Installation cannot be organised for emergency replacement of your current heating system.
The building should have a main gas connection.
The building should have a central heating system.
The building should be connected to the electricity grid.
The building should have an internet connection.
You can find more information on the PACE project and Fuel Cell micro-Cogeneration in the brochure below (in French and Dutch).
Fuel Cell micro-Cogeneration in Belgium
The policy framework for Fuel Cell micro-Cogeneration in Belgium looks positive, even if the level of awareness and of support to the technology varies significantly among the three federal regions.
Belgian suppliers and installers are committed to deliver Fuel Cell micro-Cogeneration products to consumers, while cutting down costs and aiming for even higher electrical and total efficiency for their technologies. For a successful Fuel Cell micro-Cogeneration market entry, however, industry efforts need to be complemented by high level political commitment.
Recommendations for the Belgian market and policy framework:
High-level recognition of the environmental and energy security contribution of Fuel Cell micro-Cogeneration technologies towards the Belgian energy transition is key for the successful mass commercialisation of these products in Belgium.
As long as these Fuel Cell micro-Cogeneration products can deliver system wide benefits in terms of primary energy savings, GHG (including CO2, NOx, SOx) reductions, and RES integration, adequate support schemes should be designed to reward these technologies and facilitate their mass market uptake.
Addressing non-economic and administrative barriers is also necessary in order to prevent further costs being incurred in early commercialisation. One such example is recognising fuel cells as eligible under the EPB methodology, which is time consuming and very costly for this emerging technology. Further harmonisation of standards and requirements between the three Belgian regions would also be beneficial.
Partnerships between industry, policymakers and customers are essential for the promotion of Fuel Cell micro-Cogeneration in Belgium. In addition to recognising Fuel Cell micro-Cogeneration as one of the key technologies to deliver the energy transition in Belgium by addressing the barriers and providing sufficient support, public authorities themselves can give a boost to the industry by investing in these innovative technologies.
Having more engagement by the equipment manufacturers and the whole supply chain will also lead to a more dynamic market in Belgium.
Subsidy schemes
Recent studies
Downloads and links
Downloads & Links

Mr. Van Den Berg, the owner of a large single-family home in Westerlo, in Northern Belgium, chose a BlueGEN unit to reduce his energy costs and become independent from the continuously growing prices of power from the grid. BlueGEN is a natural-gas-powered micro-Cogeneration appliance based on SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell) technology, an innovative, clean and reliable way to generate electricity and heat on-site, continuously throughout the year. Van Den Berg’s project represents an ideal case of a Fuel Cell micro-Cogeneration appliance installation in a residential building: he optimises the energy consumption of his building and reduces his carbon footprint.
Read the rest of the story HERE