The French Hydrogen Plan, which was announced on 1 June 2018, features the launch of a demonstration trial in France with 50 Fuel Cell micro-Cogeneration units. ADEME, the French Environment & Energy Management Agency, and GRDF, the French gas distribution company, coordinate this ambitious project. The three-year trial takes place from 2018 until 2020 and involves installers and end-users. The objective is to deploy Fuel Cell micro-Cogeneration in real life environments across the country.

The project has four concrete aims. First of all, we have to confirm the environmental performance and assess the interest, perception and engagement levels of both building professionals and end-users of this innovative technology. Secondly, we have to build public awareness around Fuel Cell micro-Cogeneration and its benefits. Furthermore, support is needed in France for the market uptake of Fuel Cell micro-Cogeneration. Finally, the supply chain for technologies using hydrogen has to be developed.

The ADEME and GRDF trial will be supported by manufacturers such as Viessmann, indicating a strong industry commitment for Fuel Cell micro-Cogeneration in France.  The first units have been deployed and are operating.

France joins Germany in supporting the roll-out of Fuel Cell micro-Cogeneration to complement EU co-funded projects like PACE and ene.field. This project will raise public awareness and strengthen building and energy professionals’ confidence in the technology, while ensuring that deployment can be scaled up for it to contribute significantly to the country’s national energy and climate objectives.

For more information, read the official press release in French.