The European building stock: too diverse for a one-fits-all decarbonisation solution

Bringing down emissions from buildings to zero might be the hardest nut to crack for the European Green Deal. With heating and cooling in buildings being responsible for 40% of energy consumption and 36% of emissions, the importance of its decarbonisation cannot be overestimated. As the current annual renovation rate [...]

2021-02-19T12:12:56+01:00February 18th, 2021|Categories: News|

182.000 kWh Generated in 7 Years at one Third of the Normal Energy Costs

Wim De Beuckeleer and his wife both work as doctors in a hospital in Belgium. Seven years ago, they decided to install a swimming pool in their garden. “We knew that our electricity bill would rise sharply”, says Wim. Searching for cost-effective and sustainable solutions In order to counter a [...]

2021-02-18T16:27:49+01:00February 18th, 2021|Categories: News|

Switching from Heating Oil to Fuel Cells

© SCHARR When house owners need a new heating system and oil is no longer an option due to environmental concerns, then a gas heating system is considered in most cases. In combination with a fuel cell system, heating with gas becomes even more efficient and eco-friendly. Recently, PACE partner [...]

2021-02-18T16:32:20+01:00February 18th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

Flexible Fuel Cell Systems Can Generate Revenue by Supporting the Grid

The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) has found that fuel cell micro-cogeneration (FC micro-CHP) systems can bring additional revenue for their owners by supporting the electricity grid. In Germany, the HSLU model showed that this could be worth between 565 and 2,247 EUR per electrical kilowatt per [...]

2021-02-18T16:38:19+01:00February 18th, 2021|Categories: News|

British Retired Engineer Discovers Perfect Solution for his Energy Needs

Why did you install a Vitovalor fuel cell unit from Viessmann? I did not set out to install a fuel cell unit, but I had some problems with my old heating and power systems, and I called in Patrick of VitoEnergy to look at modifying some of my radiators. He [...]

2021-02-18T15:35:17+01:00February 18th, 2021|Categories: News|

Fuel Cell micro-Cogeneration: Easy to Install, Easy to Operate

© SCHARR Households are looking for more climate-friendly and affordable energy solutions. With a fuel cell micro-cogeneration home unit (FC micro-CHP), there is a new technology to generate your own heat and electricity at home with one unit. Thanks to its high energy efficiency, every household and small business can [...]

2021-02-18T15:26:42+01:00February 18th, 2021|Categories: News|
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