SOLIDpower is an international group of companies, leader in the field of SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell) technologies and manufacturer of BlueGEN, the world’s most efficient micro-Cogeneration (combined heat and power) appliance. Founded at the end of 2006 in Italy, it has rapidly developed into today’s corporation with branches also in Germany, Switzerland and Australia after the important acquisitions of HTceramix SA and Ceramic Fuel Cells GmbH in 2007 and 2015.
SOLIDpower is a continuously growing team of currently more than 150 people and operates two manufacturing plants for the production of BlueGEN systems and fuel cell stacks and a highly-qualified R&D department focusing on product-improvements and new applications for the technology.
With more than 730 BlueGEN units already installed and the development of state-of-the-art fuel cell solutions/products, SOLIDpower commits to contributing in first line to the energy transition of Europe.
Role in the Project
SOLIDpower is one of the manufacturers in the project, supplying 750 units to customers.
SOLIDpower will also have a role in all of the data analysis and dissemination, supporting with their experience in the sector.